It's Obama-Biden

The news is in -- Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden to be his running mate. I believe that this is a very good choice. Biden as I said yesterday offers Obama an independent and experienced voice to temper his own change agenda. Biden's experience in foreign affairs and with the judiciary committee's will be especially helpful. Biden has strong blue collar credentials and is a devout (if pro-choice) Catholic.

Yes, Joe tends to talk a lot and he said some things in the heat of campaigning that suggested Obama was a bit wet behind the ears. But hey, that's part of the process. He's said nice things about John McCain, but where's the sin in that. Orrin Hatch and Ted Kennedy are friends as well.

There were other strong possibilities, but the timing wasn't right. This was the match for this time and place, and it's a good one.

So, now we move forward, knowing who will be the Democratic banner carriers.

By the way, thanks to Bruce Tomaso of the Dallas Morning News' Religion blog for quoting me!


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