Hearing Marcus Borg

I'm a part of the CC Blogger's Network. It is an outreach of Christian Century that allows for bloggers like me to connect with the blogosphere. Gordon Atkinson, administrator of the network, recently had the opportunity to sit down with Marcus Borg in Chicago and had a 25 minute conversation.

In this conversation, Borg opens up about his own story and the way he reads Scripture and experiences Christian faith. He affirms his faith as a Christian, but notes how it works for him. He states that "Jesus is for me as a Christian the Light of the World." But, in saying that he doesn't deny that there are other lights out there that speak to the experience of the sacred.

Belief, Borg suggests, originally meant more "belove" someone -- putting trust in someone, rather than assenting to facts, as modern Protestantism has tried to suggest.

He talks as well about the Gospel of Thomas, of which he believes, might contain some original material that goes back to Jesus. But, he makes clear that no texts exceed the three synoptics as far as containing actual words of Jesus. As for John's gospel, he sees these as statements of John's community about Jesus, though not containing actual words of Jesus. It reflects the post-Easter Jesus.

One need not agree with everything Borg writes or says to find helpful words to live by as Christians. He defines himself as a Christian in this way: "A Christian is a person who lives out their relationship with God in the framework of the Christian tradition." I think that's a workable definition.

I would encourage my readers to check this out and enjoy the conversation. And of course, when you're done, I'd love to have you come back and comment!


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