
Showing posts with the label liberation

Deliver Us (Walter Brueggemann) - Review

Buried Seeds: Learning from the Vibrant Resilience of Marginalized Christian Communities (Alexia Salvatierra & Brandon Wrencher) - A Review.

Lo, He Comes in the Clouds -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter 2C (Revelation 1)

Delivered Out of Empire (Walter Brueggemann) - Review

Covenant Rules and Regulations - Sermon for Lent 3B (Exodus 20)

Liberating Love (Sandhya Rani Jha) -- A Review

Standing on Holy Ground - Sermon for Pentecost 13A (Exodus 3)

God Hears Ishmael’s Cries - A Sermon for Pentecost 3A (Genesis 21)

Experiencing the Reign of God - Sermon for Epiphany 3A (Isaiah 9)

The Power of Hymn Singing