
Showing posts with the label Comfort

The Coming of the Spirit of Truth ----Sermon for Pentecost Sunday (Year B) --- John 15, 16

A Tender Word of Comfort in the Wilderness—A Lectionary Reflection for Advent 2B (Isaiah 40)

Uncommon Wisdom—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 6A/Proper 9A (Matthew 11)

Death Has Met Its Match -- A Sermon for Easter Sunday (Mark 16; Isaiah 25)

The Glory of God Is Revealed - A Sermon for Advent 2B (Isaiah 40)

The Shepherd Will Lead Us -- A Sermon for Christ the King Sunday (Ezekiel 34)

Give Your Anxiety to God -- A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 7A (1 Peter 4-5)

Alive in Christ - A Sermon for Easter 6A (John 14)