
Showing posts with the label Inclusion

Time for a Bath of Welcome—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5B (Acts 8)

Trauma-Informed Evangelism: Cultivating Communities of Wounded Healers (Charles Kiser & Elaine A. Heath) - Review

Gratitude—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 18C/Proper 23 (Luke 17)

When Collaboration Mirrors the Trinity (Avery Stafford) - A Review

The Faithfulness of God -- A Sermon for Pentecost 24B (Ruth 3-4)

No More Dividing Walls - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 8B (Ephesians 2)

Can We Withhold the Water? -- A Sermon for Easter 6B (Acts 10)

Look, Here Is Water! -- A Sermon for Easter 5B (Acts 8)

One Flock, One Shepherd -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter 4B (John 10)