
Showing posts with the label Christmas

Behold the Glory of the Word Who Became Flesh—Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 2 (A, B, C) [John 1:(1-9) 10-18]

From Mourning to Joy—Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 2 (A, B, C ) (Jeremiah 31:7-14)

Hark, The Herald Angels Sing - A Christmas Greeting

The Holy Family Visits Jerusalem—Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 1C (Luke 2)

The Light of Christmas Shines into the Darkness—Lectionary Reflection for Christmas Eve/Day (Isaiah 9, Titus 2, Luke 2)

Time to Praise God - A Sermon for Christmas 1B (Psalm 148)

My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation—Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 1B (Luke 2)

Clothed with the Garments of Salvation—Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 1B (Isaiah 61-62)