
Showing posts with the label Relational Theology

Encountering the Triune God - Lectionary Reflection for Trinity Sunday, Year C (John 16)

God Made Known in the Flesh - Lectionary (RCL) Reflection for Christmas 2C (John 1)

Close to the Father's Heart -- A lectionary reflection for Christmas 2B (John 1)

Who Are These Humans? -- A Sermon for Trinity Sunday (Psalm 8)

A Triune Blessing --A Lectionary Reflection for Trinity Sunday (2 Corinthians 13)

The God Who Trusts (Curtis Holtzen) - A Review

A Divine Change of Mind - A Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 3B (Jonah 3)

A Trinitarian Declaration of Truth - A Lectionary Reflection for Trinity Sunday, Year C

Sustained by the Bread of Life

Uncontrolling Love of God (Tom Oord) -- Trailer