
Showing posts with the label Boundaries

Wounded Pastors: Navigating Burnout, Finding Healing, and Discerning the Future of Your Ministry (Carol Howard & James Fenimore) -- A Review

Guidelines for Church Discipline—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 15A/Proper 18A (Matthew 18)

What are the Boundaries? - A Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 18 B (Mark 9)

Unafraid (Benjamin Corey) - A Review

Gathering in the Name -- A Sermon for Pentecost 14A

Adopted (Kelley Nikondeha) -- A Review

Not Against Us – For Us? -- A Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 18B

Don't Fence Me In -- Edgar DeWitt Jones

What Does it Mean to Say “Loosely Christian?” (Bruce Epperly)

Who Sets the Boundaries? A Lectionary Reflection -- Pentecost 2C