
Showing posts with the label peace

The One of Peace Cometh from Bethlehem—Lectionary (RCL) Reflection for Advent 4C (Micah 5)

The Coming of the Messenger of the Covenant—Lectionary (RCL) Reflection for Advent 2C (Malachi 3:1-4)

A Tender Word of Comfort in the Wilderness—A Lectionary Reflection for Advent 2B (Isaiah 40)

Coming Together to Find Light in Troy -- An Interfaith Response

The Christmas Lights Are Ablaze - Lectionary Reflection for Christmas (Isaiah, Titus, Luke)

Someone’s Knocking at the Door - Sermon for Advent 2A (Matthew 3)

The Shoot of Jesse Arises—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 2A (Isaiah 11)