
Showing posts from April, 2007

Marcus Borg -- "Jesus": A Review

Emergent and Emerging

The End of Limbo -- Sightings

Cheating in the Pulpit

Academy of Parish Clergy Book of the Year and Top Ten Books of 2006

5 Blogs That Make Me Think

The Worst Theological Invention

Church Evaluations -- The Theologometer

An Unexpected Stop

Back from Princeton

Academy of Parish Clergy and Wit, an HBO theater presentation

Tripping Across the Nation

Against Reductionism -- Sightings

A Blogging Slowdown

The Politics of Genocide

Protecting, Preserving God's Creation

Religions of Peace?

When Did I learn about Evolution?

Faith and Health -- Are they related?

Can't We get practical about guns?

Small Churches -- their difficulties and their possibilities

Three Pillars of Creationism

Not in Our Classrooms -- A Review

Snow in April in Santa Barbara?

Preacher's Wife -- Guilty

Bad Things, Good People -- Why?

Christian Peace Bloggers

Christianity for the Rest of Us -- a Review

Preachers like their Jobs!!!

A Note on VA Tech from the Disciples' Korean Churches

A Voice from Within -- Evangelicals and the Left

Pluralism Sunday Press Release

What is Good Science?

Looking forward from Blacksburg