
Showing posts with the label God's Nature

The Widening of God's Mercy: Sexuality Within the Biblical Story (Christopher B. Hays & Richard B. Hays) -- A Review

Words of Blessing and Woe - Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 6C (Luke 6)

The Listening God

A Mother's Wisdom -- A Sermon for Mother's Day (repost)

God is Persons in Right Relationship -- Alternative Lectionary for Trinity Sunday (David Ackerman)

An Affirmative Vision of God: Embracing the Divine Fluidity (Bruce Epperly)

Meandering with McLaren 2 -- A Theological Alter Call (Bruce Epperly)

Meanderings with McLaren: In Quest for a Dancing God (Bruce Epperly)

Worshiping the God who is Trinity

Who is America's God?

A Mother's Wisdom -- A Sermon for Mother's Day