
Showing posts with the label Churches and social justice

Preaching as Resistance (Phil Snider) -- A Review

ONE -- Initial Reflections on the Disciples of Christ General Assembly

Social Problems and Religion - Sightings (Martin Marty)

Disciples, UCC make joint statement on refugees

Build Transit, Build Business -- Regional Transit for Detroit

Why Progressive Theology Matters: God is Still Speaking (Bruce Epperly)

The Faith Based Initiative and Congregations

The Stranger in our Midst

A little word from Colbert on social justice and the church

Social Justice -- Sightings

Social Justice, the Church, and the State

Yes, I Believe in Social Justice!

True Worship and True Neighborliness

New Parterships in Christian Activism -- Transforming Christian Theology, ch. 14

Religion-Based Arguments in Juvenile Life Without Parole Cases -- Sightings

"With Liberty and Justice for All"

The Radicalism of "Caritas in Veritate" -- Sightings