
Showing posts from March, 2016

Living in the Paschal Joy

Word Made Flesh

Easter Commissions - Lectionary Reflection -- Easter 2C

Night Comes (Dale Allison) -- Review

Announcing the Good News - Sermon for Easter

Good Friday's Seventh Word: Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit

Good Friday and Christ's Act of Friendship

A Meal of Friendship -- Thoughts for Holy Thursday

Wafer-Thin Commitment -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Dining at Jesus' Table

Resurrection: Idle Tales? -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter C

Still a Mother (Joy Freeman & Tabatha Johnson, eds.) -- Review

Open the Gates of Righteousness - Sermon for Palm Sunday

Morocco's Program for Securing Religious Toleration -- Sightings (Aomar Boum)

Preaching Politics (Clay Stauffer) - Review

Futures Projected - Sightings (Martin Marty)

If Jesus was a politician . . . - A Lectionary Reflection for Palm Sunday

Youthful Preaching (Richard Voelz) -- A Review