
Showing posts with the label Leviticus

A Mandate of Love—A Maundy Thursday Reflection (John 13)

God’s Covenant Stipulations—Lectionary Reflection for Lent 3B (Exodus 20)

What Does Love Have to Do with Messiahship? —Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 22A/Proper 25A (Matthew 22)

The Book of Revolutions (Edward Feld) - A Review

True Love -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter 4B - 1 John 3

Streams of Righteousness - A River Crossings Reflection (Amos 5)

Neighborliness - A Sermon for Pentecost 5C (Luke 10)

Be Holy, Love Thy Neighbor! - Lectionary Reflection - Epiphany 7A (Leviticus)