
Showing posts with the label Repentance

The Time for Repentance Is Here—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 3B (Acts 3)

God’s Rainbow Covenant with Noah and All Creation—Lectionary Reflection for Lent 1B (Genesis 9)

A Reluctant Preacher & A Merciful God—Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 3B (Jonah 3:1-5, 10)

An Advent Voice Cries Out in the Wilderness—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 2B (Mark 1)

A Pentecost Harvest—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 3A (Acts 2)

Anointed for Service --- Sermon for Baptism of Jesus Sunday, Year A (Matthew 3)

The Baptism of the Beloved of God—Lectionary Reflection for Baptism of Jesus Sunday, Year A (Matthew 3)