
Showing posts with the label Practical Theology

Multiracial Cosmotheandrism: A Practical Theology of Multiracial Experiences (Aizaiah G. Yong) --- A Review

The Invitation: A Theology of Evangelism (Richard R. Osmer) -- A Review

A Life that Is Good (Glenn Pemberton) -- A Review

1 Corinthians: Belief (Charles Campbell) -- a Review

Mentoring (Dean Thompson & Cameron Murchison, eds.) - Review

Youthful Preaching (Richard Voelz) -- A Review

How Your Church Can Thrive -- Rev. Dr. Ruth Fletcher (video conversation)

Envisioning the Congregation Practicing the Gospel (John W. Stewart) -- Review

The Practical Implications of a Trinitarian Theology

The Church and the Crisis of Community -- Review

Schleiermacher's Brief Outline of Theology -- Review