
Showing posts with the label Bruce Epperly

Simplicity, Spirituality, Service: The Timeless Wisdom of Francis, Clare, and Bonaventure (Bruce G. Epperly) - A Review

Jesus: Mystic, Healer, & Prophet (Bruce Epperly) - Review

Partaking of the Tree of Life - Sermon from Revelation 21-22

The Christmas Lights Are Ablaze - Lectionary Reflection for Christmas (Isaiah, Titus, Luke)

Come and Follow Me -- Sermon for Epiphany 2B (John 1)

Receiving the Word of God -- Sermon for Pentecost 22A/All Saints Day (1 Thessalonians 2)

Standing on Holy Ground - Sermon for Pentecost 13A (Exodus 3)

COVID-19, Scapegoats, and People of Faith

Experiencing Christ’s Glory - A Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday (2 Peter 1)