
Showing posts with the label Catherine Mowry LaCugna

The True Vine—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5B (John 15)

God Made Known in the Flesh - Lectionary (RCL) Reflection for Christmas 2C (John 1)

The Vine and the Branches - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5B (John 15)

Close to the Father's Heart -- A lectionary reflection for Christmas 2B (John 1)

The Spirit and the Trinity

A Triune Blessing --A Lectionary Reflection for Trinity Sunday (2 Corinthians 13)

The Vine and the Branches -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5B

Circle of Redemption -- Speaking of God Sermon Series

More God Talk

Close to the Father’s Heart -- Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 2B