
Showing posts with the label Christian Witness

Time to Be Salty --- Sermon for Pentecost 19B (Mark 9:38-50)

The Coming of the Spirit of Truth ----Sermon for Pentecost Sunday (Year B) --- John 15, 16

A Martyr’s Witness—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5A (Acts 7:54-60)

Seeing and Believing or Believing without Seeing? —Lectionary Reflection for Easter 2A (John 20)

Agents of Light and Saltiness for God’s Realm—Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 5A (Matthew 5)

An Ascension Day Eucharistic Witness

Salvation Belongs to God and the Lamb - Lectionary Reflection for Easter 4C (Revelation 7)

First Things - Sermon for Epiphany 5C (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)