
Showing posts with the label Religion and Politics

A Debate, An Assasination Attempt and Political Conventions --- A Conversation with Dennis Sanders

Claiming the Courageous Middle (Shirley Mullen) - A Review

The Good News of Church Politics (Ross Kane) - Review

The God of Monkey Science: People of Faith in a Modern Scientific World (Janet Kellogg Ray) - A Review

Saving Faith: How American Christianity Can Reclaim Its Prophetic Voice (Randall Balmer) - A Review

Ancient Echoes (Walter Brueggemann) - A Review

Karl Barth: Theologian in the Tempest of Time (Karel Blei) - A Review

Jesus: Agent Provocateur -- Lectionary Reflection for Lent 3B (John 2)

Scandalous Witness (Lee Camp) -- A Review