
Showing posts with the label James Martin SJ

The Spirituality of Transformation, Joy, and Justice: The Ignatian Way for Everyone (Patrick Saint-Jean SJ & James Martin SJ) - Review

Time to Eat -- Sermon for Pentecost 10A/Proper 13A (Matthew 14)

Building a Bridge - Revised Edition (James Martin, SJ) -- A Review

Building a Bridge (James Martin, SJ) -- A Review

The Necessity of Bridge-Building -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Eating in the Wilderness - A Sermon

Finding Jesus (David Gibson and Michael McKinley) -- A Review

Jesus: A Pilgrimage (James Martin, SJ) -- A Review

I Am the Resurrection -- Lectionary Reflection for Lent 5A

A Time of Waiting -- A Holy Saturday Reflection

Liberation Theology, the Gospel, and Glenn Beck