
Showing posts with the label Kenosis

Taking the Road of Humility - Lectionary Reading for Passion Sunday (Philippians 2)

From Glory to Glory by Way of the Cross - Lectionary Reflection for Passion/Palm Sunday

Living in Christ - A Sermon for Pentecost 17A (Philippians 2)

Walking Humbly with Jesus -- Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 17A (Philippians 2)

From Glory to Glory by Way of Death - A Lectionary Reflection for Palm-Passion Sunday (Philippians 2)

The Depth of God's Reach (Michael Downey) - Review

Every Knee Shall Bow - A Sermon for Palm/Passion Sunday (Philippians 2)

What Use is God?

The Uncontrolling Love of God (Thomas Oord) -- Review

Want to Hear a Story of Faith? A Lectionary Meditation

Having the Mind of Christ (Bruce Epperly)