
Showing posts from April, 2016

Worship's Narrative Arc -- Christian Formation

The Lord's Prayer and Allegiance -- A word for our times

Time to Get Going - Lectionary Reflection for Easter 6C

The Woman, the Hour, and the Garden (Addison Hodges Hart) -- Review

God’s Home Is with Us - Sermon for Easter 5C

France's "Incomplete Citizens" and Why Some Put Islam First -- Sightings (Myriam Renaud)

The Earth is the Lord's, So Take Care of It (For Earth Day)

Rethinking Baptism in an Open Table Theology

Sustained by the Bread of Life

Love each other—Like I love you -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5C

Worship and Divine Action

Drinking from the Water of Life -- Sermon for Easter 4C

The Loss of Nuance

Identity and Institution

Conscience -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

Marriage in Interesting Times -- Book Announcement

Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice - Lectionary Reflection for Easter 4C

Wholeheartedness (Chuck DeGroat) -- Review

Time for Worship - Sermon for Easter 3C

Beyond Therapeutic Christianity

Explained: Religion, the Birth-Control Controversy and the Supreme Court -- Sightings (Douglas Laycock)

Ten Prayers that Changed the World (Jean-Pierre Isbouts) -- Review