
Showing posts with the label Priesthood

PROVOKED TO LOVE -- Sermon for Pentecost 25B (Hebrews 10)

Mediator of a New Covenant - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 23B (Hebrews 9)

The Perfect High Priest - Lectionary Reflection (Hebrews 7) for Pentecost 22B

Naked before God - Lectionary Reading for Pentecost 20B (Hebrews 4)

High Priestly Duties -- Lectionary Reflection for Lent 5B (Hebrews 5)

Mysterious Melchizedek

Chosen- A Sermon for Easter 5A (1 Peter 2)

A Christology of Religions (Gerald O'Collins, SJ) -- A Review

Christ’s Priestly Work - A Sermon for Lent 5B

Down and Out in Catholic Ireland - Sightings (Martin Marty)