
Showing posts with the label Communion

Come to the Table: Meditations on the Lord's Supper. (George Knox & Ronald Heine) - Review

It’s Not Good to Be Alone - A Sermon for Pentecost 19B (Genesis 2)

Where Would We Go? - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 13B (John 6: 56-69)

Flesh and Blood Communion -- Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 12B (John 6)

Gathering at the Table in Unity? - A Holy Thursday Reflection

Further Thoughts on the Trinity

Death Has Been Swallowed Up Forever - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter Year B (Isaiah 25)

Eating the Bread of Life - Sermon (Eating with Jesus)

Dinner Invitation -- A Communion Sermon

Table-Centered Worship and the Sermon

Dining in God’s Presence - Sermon for Pentecost 21C

Justification -- Sightings (Martin Marty)

What is the Lord's Table's Role in Worship?

WORSHIP FOR THE WHOLE PEOPLE OF GOD: Vital Worship for the 21st Century (Ruth Duck): A Review (repost)