
Showing posts with the label Apocalyptic Imagery

Keep Watch, the Kingdom Is Close at Hand—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 1C (Luke 21:25-36)

Time to Shake Things Up---A Sermon for Advent 1B (Isaiah 64/Mark 13)

Don’t Fall Asleep at the Wedding—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 24A/Proper 27A

Holy Disruption: Discovering Advent in the Gospel of Mark (Tracy Daub) - Review

Preparing for Times of Trouble—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 23C/Proper 28C (Luke 21)

The Unshakeable Realm—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 11C/Proper 16 (Hebrews 12)

Interpreting the Signs of the Times -- Lectionary (RCL) Reflection for Pentecost 10C/Proper 15 (Luke 12)

Lost and Restored -- A Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 20C (Joel 2)