
Showing posts from September, 2010

Ignorance isn't Bliss -- It's dangerous

Is Ignorance Bliss? Thoughts on Pew Survey on Religious Knowledge

Transforming Acts: Spirit-Centered Faith (Bruce Epperly)

America’s Decline in Church Attendance -- Sightings

God, Beauty, and Music

What Does It Mean to Believe?

Identity in the Post-Modern World

Are you Religious or Spiritual?

Should Jesus be worshippped?

Transforming Acts: Adventurous Theology for the Twenty-first Century (Bruce Epperly)

Until There Are Churches in Saudi Arabia --Sightings

Julian of Norwich (Amy Frykholm) -- Review

Putting Away Childish Things -- A Christian Century Review

Seeking the Balm of Gilead -- A Sermon

Managing Polarities in Congregations -- A Review

Big Tent eBook!

Set Free to Serve -- A Sermon