
Showing posts with the label Anxiety

It’s Always Time for Joy - Sermon for Advent 3C (Philippians 4)

Give Your Anxiety to God -- A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 7A (1 Peter 4-5)

Time at the River’s Edge -- A Reflection

Whom Shall I Fear? -- A Sermon for Lent 2C (Psalm 27)

Rejoice Always! - A Sermon for Advent 3C (Philippians 4)

Grateful (Diana Butler Bass) -- A Review

Living Faithfully in an Age of Fear

A Time for Everything—Reflection for a New Year

Saved from What?

Sabbath as Resistance (Walter Brueggemann) -- A Review

Rejoice in the Lord Always -- An Advent Sermon

Finding Joy in the Midst of Tragedy