
Showing posts with the label Ordinary Time

Acting by Faith - Sermon for Pentecost 6B (Mark 5)

Matters of Life and Death—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 6B (Mark 5)

Being Comfortable in Your Skin—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 5B (1 Samuel 17)

Seeds of the Realm Scattered and Sown—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 4B (Mark 4)

Seeking Eternal Things - Sermon for Pentecost 3B (2 Corinthians 4-5)

Called to Ministry—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 2B (1 Samuel 3)

Wise Investment Policies—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 25A/Proper 28A (Matthew 25)