
Showing posts with the label Anger

Irreverent Prayers: Talking to God When You're Seriously Sick (Elizabeth Felicetti & Samantha Vincent-Alexander) - Review

The Heart is the Foundation of Our Actions—Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 6A (Matthew 5)

A Bitter Complaint - A Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 21B (Job 23)

Coming Together -- An Addendum

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Speaking of God Sermon Series #1)

Who Is Without Sin? -- A Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 6A

“God Can Deal With Our Anger” -- Alternative Lectionary -- Proper 22 (David Ackerman)

Shaking Things Up -- A Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 13C

Does a God of Love Ever Get Angry? A Progressive Christian Reflection