
Showing posts with the label Trust

Trust God, Not Mere Mortals—Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 6C (Jeremiah 17)

The LORD Will Provide—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 17A/Proper 20A (Exodus 16)

New Life in God’s House—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 5A (John 14)

Living by Faith—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 9C/Proper 14 (Hebrews 11)

When Collaboration Mirrors the Trinity (Avery Stafford) - A Review

Partners in God’s Grace - Sermon for Advent 2C (Philippians 1)

Easter Isn't Over Yet -- A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 2B (John 20)

Light, Faith, and Eternal Life -- Lectionary Reflection for Lent 4B (John 3)