
Showing posts with the label Ephesians

Walking in Love --- Sermon for Pentecost 12B (Ephesians 4:25-5:2)

Gifted for Unity --- Sermon for Pentecost 11B (Ephesians 4)

No Longer Strangers -- Sermon for Pentecost 9B (Ephesians 2)

Blessed Is the One Who Comes in the Name of the Lord --- Lectionary Reflection for Palm Sunday (Psalm 118) -- Updated Edition

Come to the Light—Lectionary Reflection for Lent 4B (John 3)

Blessed Is the One Who Comes in the Name of the LORD—Lectionary Reflection for Palm Sunday (Psalm 118)

Concerning Spiritual Gifts - Sermon for Epiphany 2C (1 Corinthians 12)

When Jesus was Baptized - A Sermon for Baptism of Jesus Sunday/Epiphany 1C (Luke 3)