
Showing posts with the label Grace

Clouds of the Cross in Luther and Kierkegaard: Revelation as Unknowing (Carl S. Hughes) - A review

Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life (Rabbi Shai Held) - A Review

With the Best of Intentions: Interreligious Missteps and Mistakes (Lucinda Mosher, Elinor Pierce, & Or Rose, editors) -- A Review

God’s Rainbow Covenant with Noah and All Creation—Lectionary Reflection for Lent 1B (Genesis 9)

Gratitude: Why Giving Thanks Is the Key to Our Well-Being. (Cornelius Plantinga) - Review

Awaiting the Blessed Hope---A Sermon for Christmas Eve from Titus 2 (Reposted)

Wise Investment Policies—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 25A/Proper 28A (Matthew 25)

Elusive Grace: Loving Your Enemies While Striving for God's Justice (Scott Black Johnston) - A Review