
Showing posts with the label Jesus

Generations - A Sermon for the 1st Sunday after Christmas (reposted from 2013)

Growing up in a Temple? - A Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 1C (1 Samuel 2)

O Little Town of Bethlehem - A Lectionary Reflection for Advent 4C (Micah 5)

Howard Thurman: Sermons on the Parables (David Gowler & Kipton Jensen, editors) -- A Review

A House for the Lord - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 9B (2 Samuel 7)

Christ’s Priestly Work - A Sermon for Lent 5B

Into the Whirlwind - A Lectionary Reflection for Transfiguration Sunday (2 Kings)

The Voice of the Prophets - A Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 4B (Deuteronomy 18)

Stranger God (Richard Beck) -- A Review

War and Religion (Edgar Dewitt Jones)

By What Authority? A Sermon for Pentecost 17A

Who Do You Say that I Am? - Sermon for Pentecost 12A

Always with Us (Liz Theoharis) -- A Review

On the Mountain with God - Lectionary Reflection for Transfiguration Sunday (Exodus)