
Showing posts with the label justice

Time for a Bit of Heavenly Wisdom - A Word to a Difficult Moment from James 3-4

Remembering God’s Steadfast Love - A Sermon for Pentecost 19A (Psalm 106)

Living for the Gospel -- A sermon for Pentecost 16A (Philippians 1)

Divine Generosity -- Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 16A (Matthew 20)

Need a Job? A Sermon for Labor Day Weekend (Matthew 20) -- reposted

What Is God Saying to Us? - A Sermon for Pentecost 10 A (Psalm 85)

Rejoice the King Is Coming -- Sermon for Pentecost 5A (Zechariah 9)

Moral Leadership and Human Realities

Making Joyful Noise -- Sermon for Pentecost 2A (Psalm 100)

Keeping Hope Alive: Sermons and Speeches of Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. (Grace Ji-Sun Kim, editor) -- A Review

Great Expectations - A sermon for Epiphany 4A (Micah 6)