
Come and See - A Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 2B (John 1)

The Innovative Church (Scott Cormode) - A Review

Freedom and Responsibility—Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 2B (1 Corinthians 6)

You Are the Beloved! -- Sermon for Baptism of Jesus Sunday (Mark 1)

Reading While Black (Esau McCaulley) -- A Review

From Magi Visits to Flights to Egypt and Back - A Reflection for the Day of Epiphany (Matthew 2)

Baptism of the Beloved - Lectionary Reflection for Baptism of Jesus Sunday - Epiphany 1B (Mark 1)

Which Baptism? -- A Lectionary Reflection for Baptism of Jesus Sunday/Epiphany 1B (Acts 19)

Gifts of Homage --- A Sermon for Epiphany Sunday

Living in Hope for a Better Tomorrow – A New Year’s Eve Reflection