
Showing posts with the label Homosexuality

Gays and the Church -- Interview with the Rev. Steve Kindle

Biblical Literalism -- Sightings

Ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell-- The time has come

The Religious Violence of "Defending Marriage" -- Sightings

But Names Can Never Hurt Me?

Gays and the Authority Question

Why Rick Warren is a Good Pick

The Gay Marriage Debate Keeps on Rolling

Newsweek and Homosexuality -- the Responses

Thoughts on Prop 8

What is it about Homosexuality?

We need to talk

Gay Community Going Mainstream

The Outing of Dumbledore

National Coming Out Day

Essay Contest: Are Civil and Gay Rights Movements Equivalent

What Would Luther Do? Re. Homosexuality

What's the Ex-Gay Movement?

Mel White speaks on Jerry Falwell

"Outing" the Good Samaritan