Essay Contest: Are Civil and Gay Rights Movements Equivalent

Earlier today I posted a portion of an interview that I did with Steve Kindle, Executive Director of Clergy United for the Equality of Homosexuals. Be sure to read the complete interview at Faithfully Liberal.
One thing I didn't ask Steve about in the interview was his essay contest -- a contest he's been advertising in places like the Christian Century. Disciples World, the unofficial magazine of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has a story about the contest on its website.
The article quotes Steve and describes the contest:

This belief of Kindle’s inspired the topic of the essay contest. Clergy United will award $500 for the winning 2,000-2,500 word essay on why the gay rights movement is the moral equivalent of the Civil Rights movement. In the interest of stirring up discussion, the organization will also award $500 to the winning pro-gay rights essay arguing why the gay rights movement is not the moral equivalent of the Civil Rights movement.

Even among Christians who support gay rights, there is debate over the comparison to the Civil Rights movement.

This is an interesting idea. As Steve's friend, I've not written an essay -- not that I think he'd give me the $500 award just out of friendship!
In any case I'd like to pose the question here: Are Gay Rights and the Civil Rights Movements Moral Equivalents?


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