The recent debate over the Dubai company that is set to take over a series of American ports raises many important questions. Security is definitely an issue to be addressed. I expect before all is said and done, proper protocals will be set up. But it does raise another issue, one that will be with us for the forseeable future. That is, how will we relate to the Arab and Muslim world (they are not, of course, necessarily one and the same). The Muslim world has been radicalized over the last half century. Why is still a matter of debate. It's possible that its inherent in Islam, but I don't think this is true. In part, some of the problems are lingering effects of colonialism and its demise. Western powers played a significant role in setting up national boundaries, boundaries that suited their needs more than those of the people of the Middle East.

The real issue though is one of xenophobia. We are afraid! The only way to deal with these fears is to confront them and then take steps to build bridges to those who are different. I've tried it and it works.


Guido said…
right on Bob.
Scary moment in my life was when I was flipping radio channels and i was listening to Rush Limbaugh and he was making sense. he was calling the clamor against the Dubai deal racist.
Limbaugh being reasonable is a sign of the apocalypse. so look to the skies!!!!

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