Al Mohler calls out Ann Coulter

There's not much I agree with Al Mohler about. And while he can't be called pro-gay in any way, shape, or form, he did do the right thing in calling out Ann Coulter for her comments toward John Edwards.
Here are his closing paragraphs:

I oppose John Edwards' political platform, but not John Edwards the man, husband, and father. I do not want to see him elected President of the United States, but this has everything to do with his political positions, not his personal life. I do not appreciate his crude oversimplification of the challeges that face our nation, but I must oppose any crude talk about John Edwards the man.

So . . . why would Ann Coulter use that word? And, even more troubling to me, why would any in her audience laugh? There is nothing remotely funny about that word in any context. It is meant to hurt when boys use it in the locker room, and it was meant to hurt when Ann Coulter used it when speaking to a conservative audience. It demeans homosexuals and should be banned from any acceptable discourse.

How can homosexuals think anything but the worst of a movement that would laugh at the use of this slur? How can we think any better of ourselves if we stand by and let it happen?



Kathryn St Pure said…
It is well known that John Edwards is gay, so what is the big deal?
Robert Cornwall said…
Excuse me! Someone might like to tell his wife and kids.

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