Swift Boating of Obama and his Church

I'm a supporter of Barack Obama. I think he's fresh and offers a real departure from the past. But word that comes out now that he has tried to distance himself from his church or at least from Jeremiah Wright is disappointing.
Chuck Currie has the story and offers this word of advice, which I would concur with:

If Obama is going to let right-wing blogs define for the world the theology of his church and dictate who is and isn't aboard his campaign he might as well pack-up now. The right is "Swift Boating" his church. How he ultimately responds will offer voters insight into how principled his presidency might be.

The best thing that could happen is to give a forum so that contextualized theology can be explained. Letting the Right define for us what it means to be Christian is unfortunate. So, I say to Barack Obama, don't let them do it, and I say this as a big supporter!


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