A Truce for Now

The Middle East is never perfectly at peace, at least not in my lifetime, but for now there is the possibility of some disengagement. Much life has been lost and much of southern Lebanon and parts of northern Israel lie in ruin. Physically Lebanon bore the brunt, but psychologically and politically Israel has come out of the situation with significant problems. It appears that the US will continue to stand on the sidelines, but maybe that's as it should be. Hopefully France, Italy, and troops from Bangladesh and Turkey will be empowered to not just observe but stand in the brink and keep combatants apart. Hopefully too the young Israeli soldiers who were kidnapped will soon return home.

What all of this shows is that the time has come to work out the issues that divide. The Arab countries can no longer use Israel as a cover for incompetence and tyranny. Israel needs to look at its tactics, which in this case failed. This wasn't like the 6 Day War of 1967. Hezbollah is a trained, determined and well armed force. These aren't Palestinians from Gaza armed with rocks.

Of course our presence in Iraq doesn't make any of this easier. Iraq has simply bred resentment, new terrorists, and instability. Whatever the reason for getting there and whatever the reason for staying, incompetence on our side has made things a mess.

But I do pray for peace and for reconciliation -- that is my hope!


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