
Showing posts with the label Book of Acts

What’s Happening in Church Land? Lectionary Reflection for Easter 4A (Acts 2)

A Pentecost Harvest—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 3A (Acts 2)

Jesus: A Man Attested by God—Lectionary Reflection for Easter 2A (Acts 2)

The Baptism of the Beloved of God—Lectionary Reflection for Baptism of Jesus Sunday, Year A (Matthew 3)

Gratitude—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 18C/Proper 23 (Luke 17)

Be Not Ashamed of the Gospel—Pentecost 17C/Proper 22 (2 Timothy 1)

Heirs of the Promise—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 2C/Proper 7 (Galatians 3)

God's Adopted Heirs - Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost Sunday (Year C) - Romans 8