
Showing posts with the label Galatians

Resurrection: Grounds for Faith? - Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 6C (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)

Galatians: Commentaries for Christian Formation (N.T. Wright) -- A Review

Teaching the Word -- A reflection

Look, Here Is Water! -- A Sermon for Easter 5B (Acts 8)

You Are the Beloved! -- Sermon for Baptism of Jesus Sunday (Mark 1)

A Time to Give Praise to God - A Sermon for Christmas 1B (Psalm 148)

In the Fullness of Time - A Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 1B (Galatians 4)

The Righteous Live By Faith - A Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 21C (Habakkuk 1-2)

Seeds of Blessings - a Sermon for Lent (Genesis 12).

A Blessing to the Nations - A Lectionary Reflection for Lent 2A (Genesis 12)