
Showing posts with the label Isaiah

Proclaiming God’s Favor—An Advent Blessing—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 3B (Isaiah 61)

An Advent Voice Cries Out in the Wilderness—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 2B (Mark 1)

A Tender Word of Comfort in the Wilderness—A Lectionary Reflection for Advent 2B (Isaiah 40)

Time to Shake Things Up---A Sermon for Advent 1B (Isaiah 64/Mark 13)

We the People of God Set Free—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 1B (Isaiah 64)

Vacating the Leadership Team—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 19A/Proper 22A (Matthew 21)

Eating with Jesus Again in God’s Realm - A Maundy Thursday Reflection