
Showing posts with the label Karl Barth

Churches and the Crisis of Decline (Andrew Root) -- A Review

Waiting to be Clothed with Power - Sermon for Ascension Sunday (Luke 24)

An Ascension Day Eucharistic Witness

Breaking Out of the Immanent Frame

A Meal to Remember - A Reflection for Maundy Thursday (1 Corinthians 11)

Taking the Road of Humility - Lectionary Reading for Passion Sunday (Philippians 2)

Jesus Unveiled - Lectionary Reflection for Transfiguration Sunday (Year C) - Luke 9

Karl Barth: Theologian in the Tempest of Time (Karel Blei) - A Review

First Things First - Lectionary Reflection for Epiphany 5C (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)