
Showing posts with the label Light

Light, Faith, and Eternal Life -- Lectionary Reflection for Lent 4B (John 3)

Mountain Time -- A Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday, Year B (Mark 9)

Let the Light Shine Bright --- A Lectionary Reflection for Transfiguration Sunday, Year B (2 Corinthians 4)

Living in the Light - Lectionary Reflection for Lent 4A (Ephesians 5)

Righteousness Endures - Sermon for Epiphany 5A (Psalm 112)

Called to be a Covenant People - A Sermon for Epiphany 2A (Isaiah 49:1-7)

A Light to the Nations - A Sermon for Baptism of Jesus Sunday (Isaiah 42)

Gifts of Homage --- A Sermon for Epiphany Sunday