
Clothed with the Garments of Salvation—Lectionary Reflection for Christmas 1B (Isaiah 61-62)

Re-membering the One Born in Bethlehem with Pope Frances: A Christmas Day Message

Awaiting the Blessed Hope---A Sermon for Christmas Eve from Titus 2 (Reposted)

The Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms: Why Spiritualities without God Fail to Transform Us (Andrew Root) - A Review

Favored by God—Mother of David’s Heir—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 4A (Luke 1)

Walter Brueggemann's Prophetic Imagination (Conrad Kanagy) -- A Review

God’s Eternal Realm—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 4B (2 Samuel 7)

Redeeming Violent Verses: A Guide for Using Troublesome Texts in Church and Ministry