
Waiting for the Spirit - A Sermon for Ascension Sunday/Easter 7A (Acts 1:3-14)

The Church IS Open - A Response to the President's Order

Seated In Power -- An Ascension Day Reflection

When Tears Sing (William Blaine-Wallace) -- A Review

Give Your Anxiety to God -- A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 7A (1 Peter 4-5)

Alive in Christ - A Sermon for Easter 6A (John 14)

Hints of the Trinity in 1 Peter

The Liminal Papacy of Pope Francis (Massimo Faggioli) -- A Review

Faithful Living in Challenging Times - A Lectionary Reflection for Easter 6A (1 Peter 3)

Chosen- A Sermon for Easter 5A (1 Peter 2)

Remembering V-E Day -- 75 Years Later