
Buried Seeds: Learning from the Vibrant Resilience of Marginalized Christian Communities (Alexia Salvatierra & Brandon Wrencher) - A Review.

Going to the Mountain of God—Lectionary Reflection for Advent 1A (Isaiah 2)

Second Thoughts About the Second Coming -- the forthcoming book by Allen & Cornwall (ready for pre-order)

Holy Disruption: Discovering Advent in the Gospel of Mark (Tracy Daub) - Review

Jesus’ Kingdom Welcome Message—Lectionary Reflection for Christ the King/Reign of God Sunday (Luke 23)

Church on the Move: A Practical Guide for Ministry in the Community (G. Travis Norvell) - A Review

The Image of the Invisible God Hailed—Christ the King Sunday C (Colossians 1)

Second Thoughts about the Second Coming -- The Book

Preparing for Times of Trouble—Lectionary Reflection for Pentecost 23C/Proper 28C (Luke 21)